19 January 2011


 When my husband first moved in, we had to share a TIIIINY wardrobe.
I decided to go through all of my clothing, my shoes, and my bags,
try every item on and the ones I did feel 100% comfortable in, I would sell on Trendsales and Ebay. 
At first it felt at bit silly taking photos of old H&M trouser and posting them on the internet but I ended up selling almost half of my wardrobe, both very cheap stuff and very expensive items. 
I earned a lot of money and got a bit addicted to the concept of selling the items from the back of my closet that hadn't seen the daylight in years. 
I even sold nail varnish, perfumes and some old chairs. 
To my own surprise I learned that a great deal of the items I sold were designer labels bought on sale.. 
It is so tempting buying a Stella McCartney dress on sale reduced by 50% but never the less in my case, a very expensive temptation.. 
The price reduction it seemed was what I fell in love with not the actual garment!
I have done this clear out once a year the last 3-4 years, I take a close look at all my stuff and sell the things I haven't worn in ages on Trendsales or Ebay.
My wardrobe is now shockingly small compared to most of my girl friends but each and every item is nice, comfortable and 'desired'. 

LINK: Trendsales & Ebay

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